Press release: XML-Director 2.0 released
XML-Director is our Plone-based integration platform for building high-quality enterprise-grade publishing solutions.
Plone and Python developer since the mid-90 • Electronic Publishing Guru • Singing • Piano & Organ • Human.
XML-Director is our Plone-based integration platform for building high-quality enterprise-grade publishing solutions.
The strict trademark guidelines of Docker Inc. can easily be turned into a case against any open-source programmer or project using "docker" as a repository name or for example as a Twitter handle. Act now!
XML-Director is our Plone-based integration platform for building high-quality enterprise-grade publishing solutions.
In einer formlosen Anfrage an die Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes habe ich gefragt, ob es das Zusammenpferchen von großen Personen wie mich (203cm) in der Economy Klasse der meisten Airlines auf dem Platz einer
Most browsers lack hyphenation support (except Firefox). This Plone 5 add-on brings customizable hyphenation support to Plone 5 e.g. for better readability of the Plone 5 toolbar in German language.
After many months of pain with Plone 5.0, XML-Director 2.0 will be finally available for production soon. This screencast shows you how to integrated Plone via XML-Director with Dropbox (or other databases or (cloud) storages).