Status of
After the failure of the project I took over the responsiblity for creating a dedicated Zope2 microsite - following the microsite approach of Grok (
Current status
- the current working copy of the new site is maintained on
- the site structure is almost done
- I collected a bunch of existing content and created a lot of new content (how not complete yet)
- A small team is working on the design and layout and its adaption into a Plone theme (don't be confused by the current look&feel - the site uses the Mimbo theme in order make the site less plone-ish)
- the existing Zope 2 documentation (The Zope Book, The Zope Developers Guide, some ZODB articles) is now available from
Your contribution is needed
In order to get this project done we need some more help:
- proof-reading of the existing content
- filling the free pages with content e.g.:
- needs some text about Python and the ZODB
- needs some short references to cool Zope apps or big companies using Zope - marketing buzz goes here
Most of the stuff are low-hanging fruits - most solutions providers should have related material in their drawers either in form of presentations, marketing material or something similar. Please contribute!
If you are interested to help out in some way and getting this thing done (instead of discussing it to death), please contact me directly through mail.
- Having the offically online by the end of May 2009 (around the time for Zope 2.12 beta1)