PyCON 2024 in Pittsburgh experience
I am a regular visitior of PyCON US conference since 2001 and I visited most
Archetypes-based content-types are traditionally tied to the ZODB as backend storage. It has always been hard making the content available through a RDBMS - the only solution for a long time has been SQLStorage. However the implementation and the behavior was more than flaky. Lately projects like collective.tin (Laurence Rowe) and Contentmirroring by Kapil appeared on the scene. The major reasons for using a RDBMS backend are scalablity and efficiency: with a standard Plone/CMF installation you can create between 4-8 objects per second. Tests with a RDBMS backend have shown that creating the same objects within a database like Postgres is slightly faster: up to 350(!) objects per second.
As a sunday-afternoon exercise I created a prototype of a new RDBMS-storage for Archetypes on top of SQLAlchemy - the preliminary name is RDBMSStorage. The database model uses table inheritance for storing the common metadata within a dublincore table. Content-type specific fields are stored in dedicated tables like document. SQLAlchemy allows us to map the Archetypes field types nicely to SQL datatypes. The code right now is only of prototype quality and for experiementing however the first results look promising.
Some stupid Archetypes behavior observed during the implementation: