Some new Plone add-on releases

Today, we released some small Plone add-ons as we developed and used over the last years for customer projects. In many cases we duplicated the same over and over it was time for some refactoring and moving the code into dedicated packages.


zopyx.plone.persistentlogger supports persistent logging where the log data is stored on an arbitrary persistent Plone object (as annotation). Typical usecases are application specific logging e.g. for logging a history per content object directly in Plone rather then having a huge common log on the filesystem. The log entries are stored using object annotations.

Persistent logging for Plone objects


collective.metaaaudit logs metadata changes to Plone content objects transparently (for all content types). This add-on in in particular useful when you have to answer the question “who was doing what and when”.

Audit metadata changes


This add-on provides a @@debug browser view that returns some debugging information on the current context object, the current user and its roles, the instance dict of the current context object and request information.

A Plone debug view for introspecting the current context, user, roles and instance dict


Content sync between Plone sites over plone.restapi


  • sync content folders or individual content objects to a remote Plone site
  • full sync for initial sync
  • incremental sync for content updates
  • configurable sync behavior per content type
  • trigger immediate sync upon create or update operations through content rules
Content sync between Plone sites