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New release

New release

Earlier this month, I released an update of my PrintCSS Portal Thiis update includes support for new tools like WeasyPrintTypeset.shPagedJS I also want to mention the portal by

Blog moved to Ghost

Blog moved to Ghost

Ghost LogoAfter almost 12 years I moved my personal blog from Plone 4 to the Ghost blogging platform. You may ask why? First, my old Plone 4 installation reached end

Plone and COVID-19

Plone and COVID-19

These days are tough and challenging for all of us. COVID-19 affects everyone across the globe. The Coronavirus hits every country differently. Fortunately, Germany seems to be better prepared than other countries. However,

Released is released

Released is released

Should you be allowed to remove your own packages from PyPI or any other public package repository? Short answer: NO!!!