PyCON 2024 in Pittsburgh experience
I am a regular visitior of PyCON US conference since 2001 and I visited most
It seems to be a common requirement to do not only obtain the list of related items (references to other objects) but also to obtain the list of back references.
The following snippet added to will show all back references:
<tal:referencedBy tal:define="backRefs context/getBRefs">
<fieldset id="backReferences" tal:condition="backRefs">
<legend i18n:translate="label_back_references">Back references</legend>
<ul class="visualNoMarker">
<tal:backRef repeat="item backRefs"
define="use_view_action site_properties/typesUseViewActionInListings|python:();">
<li tal:define="
desc item/Description;
item_type item/portal_type;
item_type_class python: 'visualIcon contenttype-' + normalizeString(item_type);
item_wf_state item/review_state|python: getInfoFor(item, 'review_state', '');
item_wf_state_class python: 'state-' + normalizeString(item_wf_state);
item_url item/absolute_url;
item_url python:test((item_type in use_view_action), item_url+'/view', item_url)">
<span tal:attributes="class item_type_class">
<a href="" class=""
tal:attributes="href item_url;
title item/Description;
class string: $item_wf_state_class visualIconPadding"
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