PyCON 2024 in Pittsburgh experience
I am a regular visitior of PyCON US conference since 2001 and I visited most
I spent this week three days at the Linuxtag in Berlin and presented Zope and Plone to visitors at the DZUG booth. Many people asked about the Plone dependencies and how to install it on their systems. Some argued that the PHP-based CMSes are much easier to deal with since the hosters usually provide PHP and MySQL as part of a webspace package. On the other hand it is not so easy possible to install those PHP-based CMS on a local server or even on your notebook for just trying it out. As far as I could figure out,: neither Joomla nor Typo3 nor Drupal provide installers for installing the CMS within more or less complex manual interaction on a local system. Most visitors were amazed that you can install Plone directly and hussle-free by using the unified installer.
1:0 for Plone