PyCON 2024 in Pittsburgh experience
I am a regular visitior of PyCON US conference since 2001 and I visited most
Event handling in Plone and calendering in Plone is traditionally in some way a pain. In particular the standard Plone event type has several problems:
As part of a customer project we created new event type vs.event (based on ideas, experiences and code of p4a.ploneevent, zopyx.multieventcalendar and another internal event implementation).
vs.event tries to approach most of the problems and provides the following functionality:
vs.event integrates seemlessly with Plone4Artists calendar and gives you a pretty powerful calendaring solution.
The implementation is still in progress and basically needs some minor UI polishing and i18n contributions and fixes.
There is also PLIP 9302 for inclusion of the vs.event functionality with Plone 4.