Cancer diagnosis and treatment
The last few weeks have been quite eventful. On October 21st this year, I received
While converting some of my projects README.txt file to restructured text with vim, I came across the VST package for vim which provides reST support. After installing VST you can type
:Vst html
:Vst pdf
to generate HTML or PDF from the restructured text document in your current buffer..that's pretty nifty.
With an additional line in your .vimrc configuration file you can configure your own command that converts the buffer to HTML, saves the generates HTML on the filesystem and starts Firefox to preview the file:
.vimrc (LINUX): :com RP :exec "Vst html" | w! /tmp/test.html | :q | !firefox /tmp/test.html .vimrc (MacOSX): :com RP :exec "Vst html" | w! /tmp/test.html | :q | !open /tmp/test.html
and you call the conversion pipeline from vim using new 'RP' command (RestPreview):